
Board of Ethics and Government Accountability

Commission on Persons with Disabilities

Last Date:

441 4th St. NW, Suite 729N Washington, DC 20001
One Judiciary Square

The commission, which replaces the former Mayor’s Committee on Persons with Disabilities, was created by Mayor’s Order 2008-38 on March 13, 2008 and is committed to enhancing the image, status, inclusion and quality of life for all District residents, visitors, and employees with disabilities and ensuring that they have the same rights and opportunities as those without disabilities. The commission serves as an advisory body to the Mayor and the District’s Office of Disability Rights (ODR) as well as other agencies serving people with disabilities. In the coming year, commission members will focus on outreach to the disability community as well as oversight of the District’s ADA compliance efforts. We are working on community outreach and have established advisory subcommittees on accessible transportation, assistive technology, job creation, adequate housing and the enhancement of independent living skills. We’re conducting community forums on topics of interest to our constituency, including transportation and health. We meet with District and private-sector providers of disability services, and generally work toward fuller participation of people with disabilities in District life. The DCCPD collaborates with other District Government Agencies on the Mayor’s Annual Disability Awareness Conference. The conference highlights various city services for people with disabilities and encourages meaningful employment opportunities within District Government.