The Office of Government Ethics investigates complaints of ethical misconduct committed by employees and public officials. The heat maps categorize the number of complaints and investigations by category.
The District of Columbia Board of Ethics and Government Accountability (“BEGA”) today released its Quarterly Complaint Summary Report for the fourth quarter of FY 2024, covering the period from July 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024. During FY2024 Q4, the Office of Government Ethics (“OGE”), an office within BEGA that investigates alleged violations of the District’s Code of Conduct by employees and public officials, closed 84 matters. Forty percent of the matters closed during this quarter (34 out of 84 matters) involved allegations that were outside of BEGA’s jurisdiction. For the 50 closed matters within BEGA’s jurisdiction, allegations related to potential violations of the rules governing outside employment or activities topped the list, accounting for 14 matters (28%). Allegations of preferential treatment and lack of impartiality and misuse of government resources accounted for 11 matters (22%) each while 4 matters (8%) involved allegations of using public office for private gain. Rounding out the list were alleged violations of the conflict of interest rules and failure to adhere to federal, state, and local laws and regulations at 3 matters each (6%), 2 matters (4%) alleging violations of the nepotism rules, and violations of the gifts rules and use of confidential information with one matter each (2%).
Quarterly Complaint Report FY2025 Q1
Presse Release FY2025 Q1 Complaint Summary Report
Past Ethics Heatmaps
Quarterly Complaint Report FY2024 Q4