
Board of Ethics and Government Accountability

Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee

Last Date:

Frank D. Reeves Municipal Center 2000 14th Street, NW 2nd floor community room Washington, DC 20009
Frank D. Reeves Municipal Center

This committee meets on the first Thursday of the month .It is comprised of 17 members that encompass a mix of community leadership, hospitals and government entities. Of the 17 members of the committee, 11 are allowed to vote on committee issues. The role of EMSAC is to provide advice on best practices in EMS across the country which is used in establishing performance goals for EMS in DC. By law the EMSA shall advise the Mayor, the Chief and Medical Director of Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, the Director of Department of Health, the Director of Department of Mental Health and the Director of Homeland Security Emergency Management Agency regarding issues related to emergency medical services in the District. The EMSAC shall perform the following six functions;

1) Advice on best practices in EMS across the US to assist in establishing performance goals for EMS in DC. 2) Recommend standards or revisions to existing standards to be applied to the delivery of emergency medical services in accordance with the appropriate District, federal and regional statutes, rules, regulations and jurisdictional agreements.3) Advise on the development of a program of public information and education with respect to emergency medical services.4) Advise on the development of an emergency medical service data collection system for the District, and on the categorization of facilities and services.5) Advise on the coordination of District emergency medical services with those EMS activities and projects organized through the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.6) Provide biennial comments on the operations of emergency medical services in the District.