
Board of Ethics and Government Accountability

Mayor's Advisory Committee for GLBT Affairs - January 2014

Last Date:

441 4th St., N.W. 11th Floor, City-Wide Conference Center Washington, DC 20001
One Judiciary Square

The Mayor’s Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs (GLBT) is a permanent, cabinet-level office within the Office of Community Affairs in the Executive Office of the Mayor, established by statute in 2006 to address the important concerns of the District's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender residents. The District of Columbia has one of the highest concentrations of GLBT residents in the country with an estimated 7 to 10% of the population being GLBT. The Office of GLBT Affairs works in collaboration with an Advisory Committee, appointed by the Mayor, to define issues of concern to the GLBT community and find innovative ways of utilizing government resources to help address these issues.


·       Roll Call

·       Chair & Vice-Chair Opening Remarks

·       Review & Approval of 11/19/13 Meeting Minutes

·       New Business

o   Hatch Act

o   Director’s Report – Update on Office Initiatives

  •   Public Safety

·       Community Impact Statement Workshop

  • GLBT Health

·       Report

  • Training

·       Government Agency Trainings

§  Youth Initiatives

·       LGBTQ Youth Homelessness Act

o   Subcommittee List Distribution

  • Health
  • Youth & Families
  •  Aging
  • Public Safety

·       Public Input

·       Executive Session (Closed to the Public)

o   Transgender Discrimination


·       Adjourn

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Mayor’s Office of GLBT Affairs