
Board of Ethics and Government Accountability

Request for FOIA Advisory Opinion Form

The Office of Open Government (OOG) is an independent office under the Board of Ethics andGovernment Accountability (BEGA). The OOG is charged with advancing open governance in the District of Columbia. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides any person with the right to inspect or copy any public record, subject to FOIA’s statutory exemptions. Statutory authority empowers the OOG to issue advisory opinions on the implementation of FOIA ("FOIA Advisory Opinion"). Any person or Public Body may request an FOIA Advisory Opinion from the OOG. The FOIA Advisory Opinion Request Form may be submitted in person, online at OPENDC.GOV, or via U.S Postal Service at:

BEGA Main Office/Office of Open Government 

(The Executive Building)

1030 15th Street NW, Suite 700 West

Washington, DC 20005 

Requests submitted by mail should be marked on the outside of the envelope “FOIA Advisory Opinion Request.”

Requests may also be submitted by electronic mail at [email protected]. The OOG encourages, but does not require, requestors to submit requests via the OPEN-DC.GOV website so that it receives complete information. Upon receipt of the request, the OOG Director will confirm receipt of a request within five (5) business days. A request for an Advisory Opinion should include, at a minimum, the following:

(1) name of the public body that is the subject of the requested Advisory Opinion;

(2) details of the FOIA violation complained of or the compliance issue for which advice is sought;

(3) relevant dates; and

(4) to the extent possible, the specific provision(s) of FOIA alleged to have been violated or at issue.