
Board of Ethics and Government Accountability

1566-001 Response to Request for Advisory Opinion Regarding Statehood Activities by OCTFME Employees

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Employees of the Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment may create, produce and broadcast media aimed at educating District residents on statehood on behalf of the D.C. Statehood Commission, Executive Office of the Mayor, Council of the District of Columbia, or the District’s Delegate to Congress without violating the District Personnel Manual or Local Hatch Act, to the extent the activities, if undertaken by those offices, would not violate those authorities.

Issued Date: October 31, 2016

Issued to: Angie M. Gates (Director of Office of Cable, Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment)

Tags: Statehood, Misuse of Government Property, Local Hatch Act