
Board of Ethics and Government Accountability

1602-001—Advisory Opinion – Post-Employment: Determination of former agency for purposes of DPM §§ 1811.10 and 1811.12

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Advised former EOM employee, who served as Deputy General Counsel and Special Counsel in the Executive Office of the Mayor and later Communications Director and Deputy Chief of Staff, that, for the purposes of the one-year post-employment cooling off period, his former agency is Office of the Mayor and the agencies and office designated by the Mayor, including the Office of the Chief of Staff and the Office of Communications. Subordinate District agencies, the offices of the various Deputy Mayors, and the Office of the City Administrator would not be considered his former agency.

Issued Date: March 9, 2017

Issued to: Rob Hawkins (former Deputy General Counsel and Special Counsel in the EOM)

Tags: Post-Employment