During its April 6, 2022, meeting the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability voted unanimously to approve a Negotiated Disposition in Case 21-0046-P (In the Matter of C. Witt).
Under the Negotiated Disposition, the Board imposed a $4,500.00 fine against the Respondent, Mr. C. Witt, for his violations of the Code of Conduct in connection with his misuse of government property throughout 2020 and 2021, specifically, his unauthorized personal use of District government owned or leased vehicles. The Respondent admitted to taking District owned or leased vehicles to his home multiple times and using the vehicles after his official tour of duty and while he was on scheduled leave.
We are pleased to make available the Negotiated Disposition via BEGA’s website, which was signed by the Respondent, BEGA’s Director, Ms. Ashley Cooks, and BEGA’s Chairperson, Ms. Norma Hutcheson.