
Board of Ethics and Government Accountability

Financial Disclosure Important Dates

Monday, January 13, 2014

Important Dates

April 12

Deadline for Agency Heads to submit a list of Public Financial Disclosure Statement filers to BEGA

April 15

Agency Heads notify designated agency employees who must file a Confidential Financial Disclosure Statement

May 1

Agency directors provide a list of those who have been designated and notified to the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability and to the DC Ethics Counselor

May 15

Public Financial Disclosure Statements must be filed with the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability
Confidential Financial Disclosure Statements for ANC Commissioners must be filed with the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability
Confidential Financial Disclosure Statements for designated employees must be filed with agency heads or their designees
Deadline for agency review of Confidential Financial Disclosure Statements and certification to the District’s Ethics Counselor and the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability


Deadline for Agency Head to report to BEGA any violations of the Code of Conduct
Deadline for Agency Head to report to BEGA any designated employee who failed to file

June 15

Deadline for the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability to publicly disclose the names of all public officials who have filed a Public Financial Disclosure Statement in the DC Register

1 See, DPM § 1812.10; See also, Footnote 1