I was deprived of the opportunity to follow up on my April 19, 2015 report of grevious corruption in the District of Columbia. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter4.19.15.3.pdf As stated in the public agenda, and as I was assured by Ms. Traci L. Hughes, Director of the Office of Open Government, the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability was supposed to discuss public items following its Executive Session today. Instead, Board Members Robert Spagnoletti and Deborah Lathen prematurely ended the hearing and declined to hear my testimony. My testimony? After my complaint of April 2, 2015 that Commander Michael Reese had illegally used the DC Police force to prevent me from representing the monetary gold reserves of the United States of America and other member countries of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development at the World Bank's headquarters, the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability permitted the successor Commander of DC's Second Precinct, Melvin Gresham, to do the same exact illegal corrupt thing.
The DC police force is in reality employed by the corporation that calls itself the United States of America, which corporation was secretly incorporated in the District of Columbia in 1871 . The Federal Reserve, which holds US country debt, is itself in receivership in the Global Debt Facility. As legal counsel to the Global Debt Facility, the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund must consider whether it makes sense for the Bretton Woods institutions to be headquartered in a corrupt business environment which interferes with the deployment of the monetary gold reserves of its membership.
The Secretaries of State of the states which have jurisdiction over the twelve Federal Reserve Banks can inform you of the liens of record which I have filed with them. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/ucc1.pdf The rest of the states' Secretaries of State are apprised of this matter, https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.3.15.pdf as well as the member countries of the World Bank, whose Ministers of Finance and Development cleared my letter to the Secretary of State of Illinois https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Alternative+to+WWIII.pdf
I. Call to Order
II. Ascertainment of Quorum
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Report by the Director of Open Government
a. Budget Hearing
b. IT Specialist Position
c. Body-Worn Camera Exemption, May 7 Roundtable Testimony
d. Wharton Innovation Summit
V. Report by the Director of Government Ethics
a. Update on Status of Office of Government Ethics (OGE) Operations – Recap of previous month’s activities (statistics)
b. Publication and Reporting Obligations
c. Trainings
d. Advisory Opinions
e. Ethics Legislation
f. Comprehensive Code of Conduct
g. Lobbyist/Financial Disclosure Matters
i. Lobbyist fine waiver request from Denis Dunn
ii. Lobbyist fine waiver request from Susan Mottet (DC National Organization for Women).
iii. Lobbyist fine waiver request from David E. Reid (DBA International)
iv. Lobbyist fine waiver request from Roderic L. Woodson (Holland & Knight)
v. Lobbyist fine waiver request from Derek Ford
h. Budget Discussion
i. Non-Confidential Investigations
ii. 1028-006 - In Re: J. McKenzie (Negotiated Disposition)
VI. Opportunity for Public Comment
VII. Executive Session (non-public) to Discuss Ongoing, Confidential Investigations pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 2-575(b), to deliberate on a decision in which the Ethics Board will exercise quasi-judicial functions pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 2-575(b)(13), and Personnel matters pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 2-575(b)(10).
VIII. Resumption of Public Meeting
a. Discussion of any remaining public items