Based upon the preliminary investigation and the show cause hearing, the Director of Government Ethics has determined that the Respondent’s actions violated DPM §§ 1800.3(h) an 1808.1. A $5000...
Respondent violated District Personnel Manual Chapter 18 § 1806.3 by making a hiring decision regarding her half-sister and brother-in-law.
Based upon the preliminary investigation and the show cause hearing held on May 11, 2023, the Director of Government Ethics has determined that the Respondent’s actions violated DPM § 1800.3(j...
This advisory opinion provides clarification on the permissible and prohibited uses of campaign slogans by District employees in their official capacity under the Local Hatch Act.
This document is available from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
This document is available from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
This document is available from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
This document is available from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer
This document is available from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer