Office of Government Ethics
Darrin P. Sobin, Director
Ashley D. Cooks, Attorney
Volume 3
Issue 4
April 2016
Ethically Speaking
The BEGA/OGE Newsletter
Message from the Director ― Financial Disclosure Statement (“FDS”) Filing
Well, it’s that time of year again. Before May 15th, 2016 certain employees of the District government will be required to file their annual FDS form disclosing their outside financial interests. If you make important decisions for the government such as procuring goods or services, policy making, development decisions, or if you engage in any activities in which a conflict of interest might be an issue, then you are an FDS Filer. Depending on how much you earn, you will either have to file publicly with BEGA or confidentially with your agency. You will be informed either by your agency or by BEGA as to your classification (if any).
If you are required to file publicly, you must do so using BEGA’s new e-filing system which has been upgraded for both simplicity and ease of use.
It should only take the average person about 10-15 minutes to complete the e-form and submit with an electronic certification (signatures are no longer required).
We are working hard to make this process as painless as possible. Please know that while intrusive, FDS filing is an important part of our personal accountability to the public. It is also the law. Thanks for your cooperation!!
- Darrin P. Sobin, Director of Government Ethics
Enforcement Matters ―
A DCPS employee entered into a negotiated disposition to pay a fine of $1,000 for filing as a candidate in a partisan election, in violation of the local Hatch Act. View Details
An OSSE employee entered into a negotiated disposition to pay a fine of $4,608 after having used his position to gain free parking from a prohibited source. View Details
A former DOES employee entered into a negotiated disposition to pay a fine of $5,000 for misusing fleet share vehicles. View Details
Upcoming Events ―
April 20th, 5:30-7:30 p.m. - Boards and Commissions Training - Wilson Building,1st floor
April 21st, 10:00-12:00 p.m. - Ethics Training - District of Columbia Retirement Board - 900 7th Street NW, Suite 200
Ethics In the News ―
UC Davis Chancellor Apologizes for Controversial Moonlighting Activities Read more
Fairfax County Inspector Arrested for Allegedly Accepting Money Read more
Pentagon Watchdog Says Three U.S. Generals Broke Ethics Rules for Travel Read more
New Virginia Ethics Law Ends Swimming Pool and Golf Course Perks for Officials Read more
New York Ethics Board Chooses Former Governor’s Aide to Lead the Agency Read more
Good to Know – Hatch Act-
Employees are prohibited from engaging in political activity while: on duty; in a District government room or building; wearing government insignia; or while using a government vehicle. This includes using a personal smartphone or other device while at work to tweet or post
messages on social media about candidates running for office.
If you have any questions, we can be reached at 202-481-3411, or through our website at