Respondent fined for Financial Disclosure violations.
Respondent fined for misuse of government resources, failing to adhere to local regulations and failure to cooperate with an investigation of the Office of Government Ethics.
Respondent entered into a Negotiated Dispostion for violations of the Council's Conflict of Interest and Outside Activities provisions.
Dismissal Order and Memorandum in response to a formal complaint that alleged a former Councilmember violated the District’s Code of Conduct by voting on two proposed resolutions and their related...
Respondent negotiated for employment in a manner which conflicted with her official government duties and had transactions with her former agency intended to influence the agency in violation of...
Respondent falsely reported a work-related injury causing the Distrct to pay unnecessary medical expenses.
On several occasions, Respondent accepted money from an outside source in return for making copies, which were unrelated to her District government work.
A former District of Columbia Public School employee is fined for violating a post-employment prohibition.
A District employee is fined for violating the District's ethics rules on preferential treatment, use of government resources and use of official title and position.