
Board of Ethics and Government Accountability

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Jul 16

August 2024 Board Meeting

The recording of the meeting can be found here.

Jun 25

July 2024 Board Meeting

The recording of the meeting can be found here.

Jun 20

24-0009-F In re A Chapman Scheduling Order

Request for Comment - Draft Advisory Opinion Regarding Letters of Recommendation

The Office of Government Ethics issued a draft Advisory Opinion, on its own initiative, offering guidance for issuing Letters of Recommendation for current and former government employees who wish to get other jobs, Letters of Evaluation for District contractors/vendors who wish to do additional work for the District or others, and Letters of Support for worthy causes (i.e., non-profits who wish to sponsor charitable events) that Councilmembers or the Executive may wish to support.  This is a topic the Director of Government Ethics considers a general question of law of sufficient public im


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