This advisory opinion provides guidance on the financial disclosure reporting system for District government employees and public officials. This advisory opinion explains the purpose of financial...
This advisory opinion provides guidance on the Local Hatch Act and fundraising as set forth in D.C. Official Code § 1-1171.
This opinion provides guidance on the outside employment and activity restrictions set forth in the District Personnel Manual § 1807.
Pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 1–1162.19(a-1)(1), the Director of Government Ethics issues this sua sponte advisory opinion, to provide guidance on maintaining ethical standards while seeking or...
Letters of Recommendation and Letters of Support Quick Guide
This opinion answers whether a particular 501(c)(3) qualifies for the District's lobbying exemption.
This opinion provides guidance on whether an employee who was detailed to an agency several weeks before their departure from District government is banned from contacting that agency under the...
Former government employees must abide by the post-employment rules set forth by the District Personnel Regulations.
District employees may host “meet and greet” events for partisan political candidates because the Local Hatch act allows employees to take an active part in political management and campaigns. In...