
Board of Ethics and Government Accountability

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events


Jun 25

July 2024 Board Meeting

The recording of the meeting can be found here.

Jun 20

24-0009-F In re A Chapman Scheduling Order

Jun 20

24-0009-F In re A. Chapman Notice of Hearing

May Board Meeting

Last Date:

This is the Monthly Meeting of the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability. The Meeting will be held via Webex at OCTO WebEx Enterprise Site - My Webex Meetings


I. Call to Order

II. Ascertainment of Quorum

III. Adoption of the Agenda/Approval of Minutes

IV. Report by the Director of Open Government:

A. OMA/FOIA Advice

B. Training/Outreach

C. Legislation and Litigation Update

D. Administrative Matters


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