Respondent failed to recuse himself from voting to approve qualifications of 6 bidders for the agency, that included a company owned by a person that he was closely affiliated.
Respondent failed to not give preferential treatment to individuals applying for benefits from her agency. She also misused government property when she accessed the agency’s system to process...
Respondent violated DPM 1800.3 (f), DPM 1807.1(b), and DPM 1807.1(e).
21-0070-P T. Brooks Negotiated Disposition - signed_Redacted
Respondent violated DPM § 1800.3(j) (prohibition against engaging in outside activities that conflict with official duties), DPM § 1807.1(a) (prohibition against engaging in outside activity that...
Respondent violated DPM 1808 for misusing government property and 1807.1(b) for engaging in outside activities using government resources and time.
Respondent misused government property when he drove a government-owned vehicle to and from his his personal residence and outside his tour of duty.
Respondent failed to recuse herself, in writing, when she had knowledge that her agency was contemplating making a personnel decision regarding her family member.
Respondent violated the Financial Conflict of Interest statute.
Respondent fined for misuse of government resources and for failing to adhere to local regulations.